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About - Révélateurs

A photo agency is a succession of professions and know-how that work to give the greatest visibility to photographs. Each agency is unique: by its relationship with the photographers it represents, by its editorial line, its operating mode and its economic model.
At the dawn of the 2000s, a technological revolution upset the balance. Film photography was replaced by an entirely immaterial and digital process, from shooting, processing and exploitation. Added to this first technological change was the arrival of the internet and the emergence of now globalized competition.
Photo agencies had to find innovative solutions to promote their work and protect the rights of photographers. And the result is palpable: photography has never been so well exposed, demonstrating the richness of production despite an uncertain economy.

Anaick Bourhis

After studying art history, I started in a large publishing house as an iconographer. I worked with many photo agencies.

Génerique - Révélateurs

Anaick Bourhis


Aymeric Jeay

Musique Originale

David Brun Lambert

Conseiller éditorial

Olivier L. Brunet


Léo Gil Mena


Antoine Legardinier


Joséphine Martin


Cyrille Renaudin



Voir ici.


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