Far from bringing about the fall of the Third Reich, the Allied landings essentially marked the beginning of an uncertain reconquest. Between June 6, 1944 and the end of July, Allied forces advanced by just a few kilometers. Only after a titanic battle did the Allies gain the upper hand over the German Reich army. Defeated, the German troops began a vast withdrawal to the east in mid-August. Seventy years later, the documentary series “One Hundred Days in Summer” recounts this episode of the Second World War, which began on the beaches of Normandy and ended with the liberation of Rouen and Paris one hundred days later. “Hundred Days of Summer” is a documentary series based on the work of Jean Quellien, historian at the University of Caen, specialist in the Battle of Normandy and scientific advisor to the series, and on the testimonies of veterans, civilians and members of the Resistance. “One Hundred Days in Summer” puts individual stories into perspective by relating them to the historical stakes of the global conflict: to achieve this, the series is organized around re-enactment sequences, archive images and cartography. “Our aim is to recreate and follow, day by day and seventy years apart, one of the most brutal military battles and the fate of the protagonists present on Normandy territory,” reports Guillaume Mazeline, the series' director.
Guillaume Mazeline A history buff, Guillaume Mazeline has made a number of documentary films that bring together individual destinies submerged in history. Stories of Spanish or Portuguese immigration, family chronicles in the heart of French Indochina are at the heart of his narrative choices. With the series “Cent jours en été” (One hundred days in summer), he has created a grand fresco of one hundred episodes, recounting the day-to-day stories of individuals in the face of a great history in the making.
Réalisateur Guillaume Mazeline Image Bertrand Normand Jean-Baptiste Fossard Maxime Bauleret François Rosolato Assistant mis ene scène Léo Gil Ména Assistant tournage Théo Legardinier Texte Nadine Vasseur Conseiller technique Jean Quellien Documentaliste Marie-Claude Berthelot Cartographie et génériques Pierre-Jean Canac Compositing Patrick Cavrois, Armenio Galvao de Almeida, Isabelle Chasseigne Graphiste 3D Thomas Wagner Superviseur VFX Claude Etienne Musique originale et design sonore Eric Thomas Chef monteur Christine Bouteiller Développeur Web et mobile Maxime Godard Une coproduction Coproduction Antoine Martin Production France télévisions Mémorial de Caen Avec le soutien de la Région Basse-Normandie de la Région Haute-Noramndie du Département du Calvados Du Ministère de la Défense du Secrétariat d’Etat aux anciens combattants du Centre National de la Cinématographie