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Un poil différent.e

About - Un poil différent.e

Clémentine Delait, better known as La Femme à Barbe, became an international celebrity thanks to her famous hairiness during the Belle Epoque.

The incredible destiny of this woman, born in a small village in the Vosges, allows us today to question the issue of women's emancipation and that of gender.
Thanks to her Memoirs, rediscovered a few years ago, the director re-enacts her café of the time and attempts, with the support of a few women scientists, to answer this question: have we become more open to the difference of the Other a century later?

Hélène Michel-Béchet

After studying history and archaeology, Hélène worked on various excavation sites in Greece, Germany and Versailles. She had the opportunity to make a first documentary for the French School of Athens on an excavation site in 2007.
She then continued with film studies at ESEC and Angoulême and began to make various institutional or commissioned films.
In 2014, she made "Seeing Further" on a class of school dropouts, "The Magician of Dachau" in 2015 and "A Different Hair" based on the story of the bearded woman in 2018.

Génerique - Un poil différent.e

Olivier Richaume

image : Tristan Bordmann    

image : Pascale Thine    

son : Grégory Pernet    

son : François Devaux    

montage : Elodie Olivieri

mixage. : Lionel Thiriet    

Une coproduction Sancho & Co, France 3 Grand Est

avec le soutien 
du CNC, de la Procirep et de l'Angoa, des Régions Normandie et Grand Est et de Strasbourg Eurométropole.


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