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Gao Xingjian, celui qui marche seul

About - Gao Xingjian, celui qui marche seul

Writer, Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000, playwright, director, translator and painter, director of films in the form of cine-poems, Gao Xingjian has lived in exile in Paris since 1988. If today Gao Xingjian has French nationality, he sees himself above all as a citizen of the world, as a stateless person. This film-portrait will be the story of a lonely man in search of "spiritual self-preservation in order to avoid suffocation by society", whether it be political oppression or the trappings of glory.

Leïla Férault

After studying literature and history, Leïla took courses at the conservatory and became an actress in the theater and in a few short films.
She made her first film, "Bon Papa, un homme sous l’occupation" in 2007, selected in many festivals and awarded the Bronze Medal at the Grand Prix International du Documentaire d’Auteur, URTI, Monte-Carlo
This was followed by "Gao Xingjiang, celui qui marche seul" in 2000 and "Les ombres, un conte familial" in 2013.

Génerique - Gao Xingjian, celui qui marche seul


Leïla Férault


Olivier Bertrand


Fabien Krzyzanowski


Amrita David


Krishna Levy

Une coproduction Bix Films, Groupe Galactica, TVR Rennes 35.
Soutiens : CNC, Procirep/Angoa, Région Franche-Comté, Région Alsace, Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg


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