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Jean-Marie Pelt, le rêveur éveillé

About - Jean-Marie Pelt, le rêveur éveillé

Jean-Marie PELT crisscrosses France with his conferences, meetings, radio broadcasts, etc. Seated in the back seat of a car whose controls he has entrusted to his tireless accomplice, Herta MOLL, he reads the scientific press, takes notes, prepares his conferences and, looking at the vanishing landscape, he dreams. We accompany this unique crew of septuagenarians who each year travel more than 100,000 km.
In addition to large excerpts from conferences or discussions with various groups whose contact stimulates him on environmental themes (health, GMOs, etc.), Jean-Marie PELT looks back on his career as an atypical scientist and politician, reveals the deep motivations of his commitment founded on humanist values ​​and a true mystical faith. He talks about his propensity for contemplation and looks at some old photos of his family.

With the participation of Corinne LEPAGE, Gilles-Eric SERALINI, Denis CHEISSOUX, Jean-Marie RAUSCH.

Serge Steyer

Author-director of around thirty films since the end of the 80s, mainly documentaries for and with public television (France Télévisions, Arte) including Récit pour s’en sortir (2006), Léon IX- un homme, une légende (2002), Les frescoes de l’abbé Abé (2001). Author of articles and paper files for Films en Bretagne, including Photographie de l’activité cinématographie et audiovisuelle en Bretagne (2009) and Réinventons l’audiovisuel public (2013). Today he is editorial director of KuB.

Génerique - Jean-Marie Pelt, le rêveur éveillé

Jean-Marie Pelt, Corinne Lepage, Eric Séralini, Denis Cheissoux...

Serge Steyer

Scénario et réalisation

Thierry Hervieux, Serge Steyer


Michel Diviné, Yann Reiland


Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer


Jérôme Bourdellon


Une coproduction Bix Films, CAVUM, France Télévisions


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