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La bête des Vosges, autopsie d’une rumeur

About - La bête des Vosges, autopsie d’une rumeur

In the Vosges in 1977, an unidentified beast attacks the herds and massacres them. The media of the time call it: the Beast of the Vosges. Why and how did a banal news item become an incredible modern tale? To understand it, the narrator organizes his own hunt, a sort of hunt with multiple means, his own: cinematic. Very quickly, he faces the rumor. For some, the Beast becomes the pretext to express their desires, their deepest jealousies in broad daylight. Old human hatreds take advantage of it. They rise from their dark depths. They hybridize with the Beast

Robin Hunzinger

For over 15 years, Robin Hunzinger has been making documentary films about war, traces of memory, man facing the unthinkable, and nature.
After studying History and Art History in Strasbourg, he began studying Cinema at Jussieu. It was in 1996, in Sarajevo, that he wrote his first film: "Gorazde, Psychogeography of a Border".
His films have been presented in many festivals: Cinéma du réel (Paris), Etats généraux du film documentaire (Lussas), International Film Festival (Rotterdam), Beirut Festival, FIGRA…
He was awarded the Best Programs Schowcase at the Thessaloniki festival, Greece, in 2002, a star from the SCAM in 2007 and 2008, the Grand Prix at the Traces de Vie festival in 2008 and the Ahmed Attia Award in Sitges, Spain in 2011.
In addition to his work as a documentarian, Robin Hunzinger produces radio documentaries for France Culture and He is also the publication director of the Revue des ressources, a space for exchange between the world of writing and images, and head of Editions ERR.

Génerique - La bête des Vosges, autopsie d’une rumeur

Robin Huntzinger

image et montage

Jean-Philippe Chalté

musique et sons

Grégoire Deslandes


Une coproduction Une coproduction : Real Productions, Bix Films, INA, F 3 National, F 3 Lorraine Champagne Ardenne, F3 Alsace
Avec la participation de : CNC, Procirep, Angoa, Région Lorraine, Région Alsace


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