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Deuxième prise

About - Deuxième prise

On a quay in the port of Le Havre, a small group of homeless people decide to build a house. For them. Without authorization or official procedures.
Witness to the birth of this utopia, Jean-Jacques Pellerin filmed this unique experience.

Seven years later, he returned to the site in search of the main protagonists.
Didier Tinel, the leader of the project, disappeared before the first house was completed. As for the others, three died, several continue a precarious life punctuated by internships in integration projects.
The two completed houses were given to an association responsible for welcoming women in difficulty: the "builders" returned to the street.


Génerique - Deuxième prise


Jean-Jacques Pellerin


Jean-Jacques Pellerin


Michel Galindo, Xavier Danielle


Christian Billette

Une coproduction Antoine Martin Production – Cityzen Télévision
Avec le soutien du Pôle Image de Haute-Normandie
et du Centre National de la Cinématographie


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